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Mahila Cong should make people aware of false BJP propaganda:Bansal
Dec 29, 2013

Former minister and Chandigarh MP, Pawan Kumar Bansal has lambasted the BJP, accusing them for spreading false publicity and misleading the general public. Bansal called upon the workers of Mahila congress to make public aware against such misleading information being spread. Bansal said this while addressing the meeting of Chandigarh Mahila Congress, on the visit of Shobha Ozha, the president of Akhil Bhartiya Mahila Congress.

Bansal said that congress had always involved the women in the process of important decisions for the welfare of the country and now it was their turn to come out and reach upto the people for making them aware about the initiatives taken by congress led UPA government. Bansal however cautioned the workers to not to get indulged in false propaganda.

Addressing the Mahila congress workers, Shobha Ozha said that the workers have to play a greater role in crime and atrocities against women in the society. Ozha said that the women workers at the grassroots level have to ensure that the benefits of various policies launched by the government reaches to the beneficiaries. She also said that congress workers should also get involved in make self help groups of the women, to make them self reliant.

Chandigarh Territorial Congress Committee President B B Bahl recalled the role of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru and other congress leaders for building the nation.

Chandigarh Mayor, Subhash Chawla while addressing the workers talked about various initiatives like Right to Information, Right to Education and Food Security Bill taken by the congress.

Madhu Bansal, wife of Chandigarh MP Pawan Bansal, stressed on the need of greater participation of mahila congress workers. She referred to initiatives like reservation for women in parliament, assembly and local government.