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Daddumajra reeks, while BJP Government sleeps-Observes Bansal in Sachaii Par Charcha
Feb 26, 2018

Sachai Par Charcha


Chandigarh-Former Union Minister and Local MP, Pawan Kumar Bansal today lamented that residents have been struggling with the civic mess and hygiene problems that have resulted from the apathy of the BJP leadership towards garbage management in the city, particular by the dumping ground. He was speaking at the Chandigarh Congress' 2nd Sachaii Par Charcha at Dadumajra. He alleged inaction by the Administration and Municipal Corporation to alleviate the condition of stinking surroundings and almost unlivable conditions which the people of Dadu Majra have been facing for some years now. Crores had been spent on useless small dustbins, he said.

Pradeep Chhabra, President CTCC said that when Congress ran the Municipal Corporation the dumping ground had been levelled and fresh grass planted to develop a playing ground where residents also came for morning & evening walks but with resumption of dumping of untreated garbage over it, it had assumed mountain like proportions and foul smell permeated the air for long distance around it.

Dayal Krishan a resident of Dadumajra said that recently, he had written a letter about this critical issue to the PM but the issue had been confined to files. And the local Municipal officials had wrongly communicated to him that the dump was manageable and its spillover effects were under control. They had actually glossed over the issue.

“The BJP relies on slogans and cleanliness campaign on paper to support its ‘Swacch Bharat Campaign’ while the people are battling with toxic air, polluted water and environment on the ground”, said Dyal Krishan, a resident of Dadumajra.

Sacchaii Par Charcha had people participating from different walks of life and the public discussion revealed the people’s deep anguish and feeling of helplessness. “The administration says that they have constructed a wall around the dump to contain the garbage, but the wall is an old one and has come down at places while the gates serve no purpose. The garbage flies into our homes,” said Vicky Kumar

The meeting was attended by Congress leaders Pradeep Chhabra,Yadvinder Mehta,Rajiv Moudgil,Mamta Sharma etc. They assured the people that the Congress Party representatives would continue to do all within their power for their people and would continue their efforts to highlight this worrying issue at suitable forums so that the people get relief.