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Villages will be treated at par with city: Bansal
Feb 22, 2014

Darua Computer Centre InaugurationLocal Member of Parliament, Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal today inaugurated a computer lab in the village Darua. Soon after inaugurating the lab the MP addressed a public rally and assured all villagers of best facilities at par with the city.

He said his concern was houses outside Lal Dora which would get all facilities, adding that during his tenure as MP he has never allowed any demolitions. He added that UT villages will get the best infrastructure facilities.

Village Sarpanch Mr. Gurpreet Singh said Mr Bansal has done a lot for the welfare of villages. A lot of problems have been resolved during the tenure of Mr. Bansal he said.

Pawan Sharma, CTCC General Secretary and Shashi Shankar Tiwari, President of the Colony Cell were also present on the occasion.