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Bansal promises to take up issues pertaining to employees
Apr 8, 2014

"Any organisation, may be government, cannot survive if it is not profitable and I will take all efforts to ensure that steps are taken to make the Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) profitable."

This was stated by congress candidate Pawan Kumar Bansal while addressing the members of Chandigarh Government Transport Workers Union.

Bansal said that he would try to get more buses inducted in CTU so that more and more long routes buses may be started and resultantly profitability is increased. He also assured the employees to take up their issues with the administration for an early resolution of those issues, particularly pertaining to appointment on compassionate grounds.

Pawan Kumar Bansal also said if elected to power he would resolve the issue of making daily wagers permanent, which has been a long pending demand of the employees.

He also said he would ensure regularisation of need-based changes in the houses constructed by the Chandigarh Housing Board. In almost 90 per cent of the 50,000 units in CHB colonies, additional construction has been made by the occupants. Thousands of notices have been issued by the CHB. The residents have been demanding that the changes be regularised as these were required in order to cater to their needs.

Bansal said UT employees had been protesting against Chandigarh administration for not considering their important demand for providing shelters to the homeless employees of Chandigarh administration under this scheme as per their commitments, and that he would take that up once he is elected. 

Bansal said with the introduction of new trains to several cities of business interest, it would help the traders community. He said all penalties being faced by the community would be withdrawn when voted to power.

Speaking on the occasion, Pishora Singh, a retired CTU employee, said that presently the administration was taking steps to promote private buses entering Chandigarh. The interest of Chandigarh government employees needed to be safeguarded. In interest of the local employees, it was necessary to re-introduce the system of Chief Administrator of Chandigarh.

Senior congress leader Rampal Sharma, former Mayor, Ravinder Pal Singh, Chandigarh Government Transport Workers Union president, Mohar Singh and Raj Kumar also addressed the gathering.

During the day, a large number of residents of Bapu Dham colony took out a padyatra in the area to express their support to Bansal. Hundreds of residents of the area participating in the padyatra said that Bansal was a leader, easily accessible and always helped them, whereas tow other prominent candidates, Kirron Kher and Gul Panag were outsiders and were not able to win faith of the public.

Colony 5 space should facilitate self-employment

Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal while addressing the general public said he would facilitate a project to have a big market in place of the Colony 5 which was removed some months back. He said when voted to power he would ensure such a project comes as it would encourage self-employment.