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Bansal for transfer of departments to MC
Mar 1, 2014

Law BhawanMP assures Dalit community of redressal of their demands

Member of Parliament (MP) Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal today stressed on the need to transfer some important departments to the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation. He said this will not only ensure transparency, but also lead to speedy completion of projects and further streamline functioning, thus negating procedural delays.

While addressing a felicitation function at Sector 37 Law Bhawan he assured the Dalit community of his full support and that he would ensure their long pending demands are soon met. Rashtriya Safai Mazdoor Congress Chandigarh, which is a wing of Chandigarh Dalit Samaj had organised the function to honour the newly elected mayor Mr. H.C Kalyan and MP, Mr. Bansal.

Mr. Bansal further said Chandigarh has set an example in slum rehabilitation. It happens to be the only city in the entire country for having undertaken this project in its true spirit. Under the rehab scheme 60,000 families would get houses, of which around 50,000 have already been rehabilitation."

Former mayor Mr. Pardeep Chhabra and Mr. Bansal's son, Mr. Manish Bansal were also honoured on the occasion for their contribution towards development of Dalit community.

Virottam Chander Pal Anarya, Abhi Mehta, Keshu Ram Parcha, Ashwani Bhagania, CTCC Labour Cell convener Om Parkash Saini, District Congress Committee General Secretary Kanwar Pal Singh, were also present on the occasion.

CTCC Labour Cell convener Om Parkash Saini while speaking on the occasion said the Dalit community has extended full support to candidature of Mr Bansal for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections and would also take part in the Pad Yatras of the Congress.