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Bansal assures licenses for all eligible vendors
Apr 2, 2014

Gets overwhelming support from vegetable market

Congress candidate from city got a tremendous support at the vegetable market in Sector 26 who assured to vote for Mr. Pawan Kumar Bansal because of his performance in the last 15years. Mr. Bansal assured all the vendors of being rehabilitated on merits under a central government scheme for footpath workers which had already been announced earlier.

While addressing a large public gathering in Sector 26 which had been organised by Small Vegetable Sellers Welfare Association, Mr. Bansal said it was now for the voters to decide their fate in the coming election by choosing the right candidate.

He said the city has grown a lot and has the best infrastructure now. “Since last 10 years the Congress has worked for the poor and the aam aadmi (common man) which was originally a Congress slogan and has been stolen by another party now.” He said the Congress will continue to work on that ideology.”

Mr. Bansal said Congress had taken some important steps like Right to Education (RTE) which is to ensure education for all. He said footpath workers who are above 18 years of age can apply under a new scheme of the party which allows them rehabilitation and the Congress manifesto last week had also announced two major policies which would ensure Right to Home and Right to Health for all.

Giving example of rehabilitation scheme in Chandigarh he said 45,000 had already been rehabilitated while in all 60,000 would be covered. He also stressed on taking advantage of skill development centres which can help in self-employment.

Mr. Bansal while coming down heavily on BJP said the party mastered one art of misleading people by repeating lies to make it look like truth. He said the so called Modi wave was only restricted to spending crores in branding him and not admitting the harsh realities of his own state which was in bad shape and only favouring the big corporates.

Among prominent people present were Digvijay Kapoor, president of the market association, Dinesh Mahajan, market committee chairman, Bhupinder Singh Badheri, former chairman, Bhim Sain, Subhash, Mohammad Sadiq, Naresh Aggarwal, Satparkash, D.D. Jindal, Ranjeet Singh Chauhan and former chairman Devinder Babla.

Mr. Bansal also carried out door to door campaign in sector 40 and 41 market. There he was welcomed by several Congress leaders and supporters. Among prominent present were councilor Gurbax Rawat, Rampal Sharma and others.

Bansal while addressing the members of PGI Contractual Employees Union said the BJP party is such a party, which has bundles of lies and their leaders keep on speaking the lies despite being pointed out on it.

Coming down heavily on BJP leaders, Bansal dared them to have a debate on the issue of development in the city. Bansal said that the development in PGI, Panjab University, railway station, airport and other infrastructure was not visible to these leaders.

Referring to the BJP prime minister candidate Narinder Modi, Bansal said he is the same Modi about whom, some time back, Uma Bharti had stated that instead of development, she had seen destruction in Gujrat. It was ironical that the party, whose poll management was being handled by an American firm and Modi’s designer attire, costing lakhs, was being designed by designers, talks about welfare of poor people, Bansal said. 

Earlier speaking on the occasion, Chandigarh Mayor Harphool Kalyan said that BJP had only opposed the developmental agendas and that was witnessed during the meeting of municipal corporation and also parliament, where BJP did not allow running the house smoothly.