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Temples looted, houses burglarized,citizens unsafe-while City Administration sleeps :Bansal
Apr 12, 2018

Expressing concern and dismay over the deteriorating state of law and order in the City, former Union Minister and local M.P. Pawan Kumar Bansal, strongly urged the Chandigarh Administration and the police to take immediate action to restore people's confidence.

“Thieves are targeting temples with impunity and attacking one holy temple after another, and the Administration found napping and clueless. In a city, which was once free from all kinds of crime, the present scenario is really shocking. Law and order is deteriorating while the police and Administration seem to be helpless in controlling this menace.” Bansal said in a statement today.

In a shocking series of thefts, a gang of thieves have targeted three prominent temples in the City and made off with jewellery and silver articles worth lakhs.

            Strongly urging the administration to take notice and spring into action, Bansal has sought immediate steps to apprehend the gangs of thieves operating here.

            Recalling the recent instruction of the Honourable High Court to bring back the good old days when law and order scenario in Chandigarh was so secure and dependable that people did not even have to lock their houses, Bansal requested the Administration to work seriously and smartly to nab the culprits and create an environment that deters anti-social elements.